
Have OpenPGP keys certified by the BSI

Have OpenPGP keys certified by the BSI

Have your PGP keys certified by the BSI

The BSI (Federal Office for Information Security) has recently started authenticating OpenPGP keys of private individuals using the online-capable ID card.

With such a signature you can increase public trust in your Open-PGP key and clearly prove that this key belongs to you. If you then sign further keys with yours, you pass on this trust and in this way strengthen the Web of Trust (WoT).

Try it out right away!

You can easily install the AusweisApp2 for the desktop in Ubuntu via “flatpack”, for example. You can install the app on your smartphone from the Playstore or via the alternative open source app store “fdroid”.

To be able to communicate with your ID card, your smartphone naturally needs the NFC function. So switch this on before using the app.

Now all you have to do is have your public key ready and then you can access


click through the step-by-step instructions. After 2-3 clicks you will be asked for your key and a moment later you will have your signed key in your mailbox.

That was easy, wasn’t it? Now upload the newly signed key to a few public key servers so that everyone can see your updated key.
